Organization of trips for students to Cracow
Cracow is one of the student Polish cities, because very often organizes trips to this city student, whose aim is to explore the city, exploring the history of our country also in terms of scientific and visiting universities. Some foreign students staying in Poland on an exchange or on any internship program, they also try to get to know the city, to which they came. Often they visit the nationwide research centers located in city, such as the National Center for Science and the Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In addition, they can learn the rules of research by Cracow's research units. Clearly, part of their visit is a tour of Cracow's universities.
Attractions of Cracow
Many of the foreign trips aimed at visiting Polish historic sites and exploring the history of our country, goes to Cracow. Exploring the history of this country is also becoming a great opportunity to learn about Polish history. Therefore stroll around the city is organized with a guide who can talk interestingly about the different monuments and at the same time speak foreign languages and easily establishes contacts with people. In addition to being reflected in Cracow. Polish history, that there is also a variety of attractions, which can be used to organized trips to this city. One such attraction is just hanging out on the city market and find a variety of souvenirs, and other walks in the city parks.
Route depicting the history of Polish kings
For better organization of package tours dealing with sightseeing of Krakow, set in the city several tourist routes, so that tour guides certainly not skip some interesting places during the show tourists around the city. One of the important points of a visit to Krakow is a tour of Krakow's religious monuments, which after all, in this city there is no shortage, and are a very good testimony to the progressive development of the architecture. Many people will want to also travel route in the footsteps of John Paul II. The traditional route, which is not to be missed during a visit to Krakow is also a route that allows to know the history of Polish kings, who resided in this city.